Monday, January 05, 2015

Commision for the first born - Ethereal Commander and Alien Device

Had a bit of Christmas / New Year break there !

So, my eldest boy asked me to do a drawing for him. He loved watching me play the 'XCOM : Enemy Unknown;' video game ( which I probably shouldn't have let him watch - it is a little gory perhaps ), and he REALLY liked the Ethereal aliens. He wanted me to draw him an Ethereal Commander with the 'Alien Device' ( a thing you steal from the aliens in the game - you need it to win ). It was VERY important that it be coloured.

So managed to sketch it out over Christmas, and inked the outlines over the last couple of days.

Tonight I scanned it and tidied up the lines a bit :

And then I added a quick base colour :

Shading and sfx to come !

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