Monday, December 15, 2014

The Balls of Steel 100 Drawing Challenge : index and reflection

Here's the index of the themes of the challenge, with links to all the individual drawings :

1. Introduction
2. Love
3. Light
4. Dark
5. Seeking Solace
6. Break Away
7. Heaven
8. Innocence
9. Drive
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile 
15. Silence
16. Questioning
17. Blood
18. Rainbow
19. Gray
20. Fortitude
21. Vacation
22. Nature

23. Cat
24. No Time
25. Trouble Lurking
26. Tears
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
30. Under the Rain
31. Flowers
32. Night
33. Expectations
34. Stars
35. Hold My Hand
36. Precious Treasure
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned
39. Dreams
40. Rated
41. Teamwork
42. Standing Still
43. Dying
44. Two Roads
45. Illusion
46. Family
47. Creation
48. Childhood
49. Stripes
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Sport
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping a Secret
54. Tower
55. Waiting
56. Danger Ahead
57. Sacrifice
58. Kick in the Head
59. No Way Out
60. Rejection
61. Fairy Tale
62. Magic
63. Do Not Disturb
64. Multitasking
65. Horror

66. Traps 
67. Playing the Melody
68. Hero 

69. Annoyance
70. 67%
71. Obsession 

72. Mischief Managed
73. I Can’t
74. Are You Challenging Me?
75. Mirror
76. Broken Pieces

77. Test
78. Drink
79. Starvation
80. Words

81. Pen and Paper
82. Can You Hear Me?
83. Heal
84. Out Cold
85. Spiral
86. Seeing Red 

87. Food
88. Pain
89. Through the Fire
90. Triangle

91. Drowning
92. All That I Have
93. Give Up
94. Last Hope
95. Advertisement

96. In the Storm
97. Safety First
98. Puzzle
99. Solitude
100. Relaxation

Kinda funny to see how early on there was very little editing / modifying / refining - and more and more crept in as I go on. Explains why this took about five months more than I meant it to !

Here's a graph of the broad genre base of the drawings ( if you're interested in that kind of thing ) : 

So - I did it. Yay ! 

In searching on line to see what other people had done on this challenge, I discovered that many people who started it seemed to do between 5 - 20 drawings before stopping. So I'm happy that I managed to go the full way through. 

Do I think I got better by doing the challenge ? 

Yes ? A bit ? I'm still learning. I did learn a bit about photoshop, and I think I'm getting better at using it. I did do a number of drawings that I really liked. I did a few that are pretty damn bad ( number 20 - I'm looking at you in particular ! ). 

I think the top ten are, in chronological order, are 4, 42, 55, 61, 62, 64, 67, 75, 89, 100

If you've been following me on this challenge - thanks for sticking with me. If you've left a comment or given me a like on Facebook, or told me you liked something I'd done when I was talking to you in person - thanks especially. I got discouraged along the way when things didn't end up looking very good, or I couldn't think of anything to draw, and there were times I felt like packing it in. All the encouragement and positive feedback really helped. Thanks very much ! 

Right - I've got to finish that cover art for Rish now !

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