Tuesday, December 31, 2013

BoS Drawing Challenge - #48 Childhood - finished

It's cutting it fine - though here's a completed number 48, in before the end of the year :

As I mentioned in the earlier post, this is meant to be Lyra Belacqua, from the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy. In another dimension. Will Parry is sitting next to her.

It's not perfect, and I could have refined the background more and added some shading - but I like this one. It captures the theme word well - as Lyra's childhood ends at the end of the story, losing grace and the ability to read the alethiometer with her falling in love with Will.

I've just realized I should have drawn up her Daemon - but Pantalaimon is probably up the tree, allowing Lyra some privacy in this moment.

Thanks again to Conrad for the inspiration ! 

And that's FIFTY drawings done ! Wow. That's the most drawing I've done in quite some time ! I'm happy I got half way in 2013. It was a goal of mine, and I worked pretty hard to get it done.

If you've been following what I've done so far - thanks ! I hope you've enjoyed my progress so far. Thanks especially to those that have given me kind words and encouragement along the way. It meant a lot - and will continue to do so !

Happy new year everyone ! See you in 2014 !

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