This is the first 'final' draft. Steve's a bit unsure about the fridge magnet title ( I think it looks pretty groovy - but there you go ). I still need to add a tag-line for the game at the bottom. I've got an idea - but I'll run it by Steve first.
Here are all the other bits and pieces that made up the cover. The fridge drawing thing I didn't do - I stole it from somewhere on line and adapted slightly. The business cards are modified web-images ( though the phone is pretty heavily modified - and I'm pretty pleased with how that turned out ). The receipt is all my own work though ( with a tiny bit of help via a LED font dowloaded from 'DaFont' ).

So nice! I really like the way the fridge magnets look, and Steve's name as the brand :)
Very good, complex yet humorous, BTW aren't there too many digits in 0800-DONTKILLYOURSELF ?
Re the shopping receipt; no way a satellite receiver is the same price as a flux plasma unit.
And why would you want a receive only dish?? Actually how big a dish are you talking... it would need to be over 1.2m's or a flat panel array to boost a Ku band link to the flux plasma unit (if the coax feed is shielded to induce a uni-directional pulse)(pulse not flow)
Nice work. Is the spelling mistake in 'immediately' deliberate?
So, so very cool, Gino! What I love is how you've taken my idea and made it about 112x better by making, you know, funny.
Very impressed.
Jenni - Thanks ! :-)
Jack - Thanks ! Yeah - there are WAY too many letters there, but I thought it was funnier that way. Y'know - a number that was obviously false and that if you called, no one would help you.
Bubba - Have you BEEN to Tesla's lately ??? They're almost GIVING away flux plama units !! Those guys are crazy !!
Debbie - Thanks ! Umm ... yeah - heh heh - deliberate spelling mistake ... that's right. I think that will change in the ... next draft ...
Hix - Glad you like it man. Will burn everything onto a CD for you when it's all done.
Just noticed your FBI guy (Californian Field Agent) has his office in New York.
Awesome! All the different elements on the fridge make it really cool - Church of the Alien Overlord, hee! :D
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